best comments
On 9gag, a guy asked me to post the nastiest jokes you know.
About bad sister
The taste of disappointed hopes.
Lemming "suicide" mysteries
Symbiosis is such a symbiosis
About pregnancy and all that
What kind of bag is there, I was just wondering
What you taught, you got
In continuation of the post "Gaslighting, Psychological Terrorism in Krasnodar"
You didn't make the bed again?!
On the subject of kids
The best holiday in the world!
Fourth marriage
Funny on the American program One Hundred to One
Great way to change glasses.
Hot news from Belarusian lands! Bison became a cow!
When you learned a foreign language, but native speakers still don't understand you
How to "fairly" divide the property in the family.
When you have to travel alone.
Pessimist Matroskin
How I became a mother
Freedivers retrieve 2.5 tons of golf balls from the Pacific Ocean
About pregnancy and all that
Childhood schizophrenia
Magic in the real world
How a young girl broke a thousand-year-old way of life in Sicily...
Face cream.
Bon Appetit.
At school they teach
But fuck you.
Child prostitution in the Victorian era
Holiday per million
Didn't work up
About pregnancy and all that
Still think Voldemort is non-canon?
Bread for mom
R - romance
About arrogance
Underworld dive - 7
Watching a boring show...
How we were robbed or "I'm a fool with my mother."
Don't look... Or how white shorts provoke men.
About pregnancy and all that
Exams and diploma defense
Er... seriously?
Cunning boy
Smoked sausage.
The Petersburger ordered a cake for his younger sister with the logo of the children's circle in which she is engaged.
Poor child
Continuation of the school.
Still think Voldemort is non-canon?
The most embarrassing conversation ever with parents.
20 amazing movies shot on the verge of a foul
Confused ^__^
One of the most embarrassing moments in life
The hardest choice in life
Children have their own logic
How scammers took pity on me))
Hugs instead of a thousand words
Somehow 326...
When you have to travel alone.
Shortly about myself
Geography lesson
Children's horror
Do I fight with my Chinese wife?
For the brutal murder of a cat, the criminal will get nothing
Yekaterinburg racket
Gifts from parents
Omsk zoo
Just Eeyore
Great way to change glasses.
Expectation and reality... in the kitchen
Mom, come on!
Classmates are happy as usual
Boys don't grow up, they stay boys all their lives
The main thing for this man now is not to meet a cat
A gift from Krasnodar - have I been a bad girl?
Still think Voldemort is non-canon?
Korean wedding traditions
How a young girl broke a thousand-year-old way of life in Sicily...
My first time.
Apologies from the cafe.
How to fire a teacher
In Magnitogorsk, a man cuts off his finger a week
The first client saved the girl from sexual slavery
BANK OF MOSCOW: If you want to steal 1.5 million, ask me how?
Went away...
Interview in English
Take a moment to create yourself
Face cream.
It's all the teacher's fault
Classmates are happy as usual
Mother is the dearest.
About not like everyone else
Notes of a psychotherapist (part 7)
The law is not written
About women
When it's hard to be brutal.
I called, damn it.
We'd better close the windows, otherwise it smells of gas
Here is the ingenuity.
Lawyer phone. Not fictional stories
Danila Viktorovich
About school.
About hints...
With age, sometimes insanity comes, not wisdom ...
How a pedophile dragged me into a garage
Super abilities
Eternal memory to Andrey Zhdanov
About true friendship.
One of the most embarrassing moments in life
My story from the cycle "meetings with pedophiles"
When you are on PePe
At the right time in the right place
Coffee shop in Paris
The father of the murdered girl is going to pay 200 thousand dollars for the capture of her killer
"Who gave him the right to fight..."
Give in to the disabled.
News from St. Petersburg
20 amazing movies shot on the verge of a foul
An ambulance paramedic is about parents who treat their children after reading advice on the Internet.
Just Eeyore
Athletes in Iran then and now
We are losing weight now
Realized the meaning of life
Childhood schizophrenia
Mom, come on!
There was a video of how drunk cattle beat doctors in Veliky Novgorod
So many questions ...
Wedding in Nalchik.
Kittens also believe in miracles!
Scientists have restored the brain of a drowned girl after a 15-minute stay in the water
About pregnancy and all that
Exams and diploma defense
An ordinary day in Canada, a deer came to visit to eat tasty treats)
Brother husband. 9 years of imprisonment will expire soon. How to behave?
If it wasn't for the shoes...
About gold
How my friend saved the whole entrance.
A small selection of pearls from supporters of alternative science
Face cream.
How I met my wife.
Izhmat and the lack of vaccinations are fatal.
Once upon a time in Petersburg
You endure more than you live.
How to fire a teacher
Fourth marriage
Mom, come on!
The main thing is to choose the right background ...
When I dreamed about it all my life
The mutilated body of a collector with a severed head was found in the debtor's apartment in Moscow
"Spider Fun"
The father of the murdered girl is going to pay 200 thousand dollars for the capture of her killer
About photos of children
Best defense is attack!
Wedding in Nalchik.
How to avoid a quarrel
went to the cinema!
About minus thermometers on peekaboo
Shark wants something
Topics of women's forums
You endure more than you live.
About school injustice on the other hand
Grand parade.
Grand parade.
Confused ^__^
Two overage morons
She went out to the neighboring yard in the evening to her friend - raped, killed
Life is pain, now with the smell of olive oil
Easy peasy.
Three types of men
Here is the ingenuity.
Another cancer patient commits suicide
About stupid and superstitious
Be carefull
An ambulance paramedic is about parents who treat their children after reading advice on the Internet.
Love ..
Raccoon Survival Guide.
Childhood schizophrenia
Heartbreaking thread from a guy about females
Incentive for order in the house
Do I blow a speak English?
I know what a good morning is...
The best holiday in the world!
16-year-old girl found stabbed to death in cottage after school roll call
Yes, this English will never be useful to me.
Another cancer patient commits suicide
She went out to the neighboring yard in the evening to her friend - raped, killed
How not to give up your seat
Sleeping for money is also work
Paternity issues in Africa
On the subject of kids
Coffee shop in Paris
Shawarma ice cream
"I'll take it, thanks"
Women's logic
Drop to Subway
Rich choice
About sensual hosts and soulless doctors
I know what a good morning is...
All outrage was not in vain
Brother husband. 9 years of imprisonment will expire soon. How to behave?
We're not allowed to put cameras in the dressing room...
About the wallet.
You didn't make the bed again?!
"You son, you must"
In continuation of the post "Gaslighting, Psychological Terrorism in Krasnodar"
Children are actors
Grand parade.
Watching a boring show...
office service
Do you really need a realtor?
Still think Voldemort is non-canon?
Women's Forums #69
Funny divers.
What to do when three?
What you taught, you got
In the "pocket for condoms" I carry a tinted glass,
Childhood schizophrenia
Do you really need a realtor?
What do you know about religious fanatics.
Sex Education Lesson 2
The best holiday in the world!
Well what a...
I'm fucking crazy
About my bad date
Brother husband. 9 years of imprisonment will expire soon. How to behave?