KrotFront comments

16-May-2020 Saturday
AIDS (not only) 4 GAYS Day of Remembrance for those who died from HIV/AIDS and Day against Homophobia (names, dates, facts, stories) 05/17/2020

15-May-2020 Friday
At the grocery store (work), customers steal liquor. I'm paying for the shortfall. There is no security provided. The bosses don't care. What should we do, comrades?

04-May-2020 Monday
Revolution in Ukraine, civil war in Donbass

26-April-2020 Sunday
Pedophiles on the Internet. Hunting for our children. Experience and counteraction

23-April-2020 Thursday
Employee labor rights. Violation of rights and countermeasures

23-April-2020 Thursday
“Screw revolution!” or “Change! Our hearts demand it. But our foot is always on the brakes.”

18-April-2020 Saturday
"Must have" religion and dialogue of modern people
