worst comments
How was the Matrix filmed?
Terrible destruction from the smallest gun
mission Possible
This gentleman definitely deserves the title of hero.
mission Possible
Vitaly Churkin's speech at the UN Security Council
A guy from the crowd was given the opportunity to play in place of the guitarist at the Linkin Park concert.
This gentleman definitely deserves the title of hero.
A guy from the crowd was given the opportunity to play in place of the guitarist at the Linkin Park concert.
mission Possible
This gentleman definitely deserves the title of hero.
Vitaly Churkin's speech at the UN Security Council
Vitaly Churkin's speech at the UN Security Council
Matches are not toys for children!
How was the Matrix filmed?
How was the Matrix filmed?
How was the Matrix filmed?
A piece of positivity from Jenny Lawrence
A piece of positivity from Jenny Lawrence
Disarmed Ural
Vitaly Churkin's speech at the UN Security Council
Today at night over Murmansk it seems a meteorite was flying =)
mission Possible
Churkin at today's UN meeting tried to reason with "Western colleagues"
Disarmed Ural
Today at night over Murmansk it seems a meteorite was flying =)
And he did warn
Lukashenko: If necessary...
Vitaly Churkin's speech at the UN Security Council
Emergency help
Tomorrow there will be a long post about a turkey.
Viscosity of gases.
Miura-ori is a rigid folding design that has been used to deploy large arrays of solar arrays on space satellites.
mission Possible
Viscosity of gases.
Beef in the oven with vegetables.
Beef in the oven with vegetables.
The dark prophecy came true
Everyone has heard, but not everyone has seen.
"Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselyov (04/13/2014)
"Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselyov (04/13/2014)
The dark prophecy came true
"Vesti Nedeli" with Dmitry Kiselyov (04/13/2014)
Well, here is the support group ... Well, why the game, if there is such a support group))
Miura-ori is a rigid folding design that has been used to deploy large arrays of solar arrays on space satellites.
The crash of the largest plane.
Everyone has heard, but not everyone has seen.
Beef in the oven with vegetables.
3 Competition finalists
3 Competition finalists
3 Competition finalists
What happens if you put a magnet in a copper pipe!!!
The crash of the largest plane.