KrijovnikVolosat comments, page 10

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12-August-2022 Friday
Need help in Albania

26-July-2022 Tuesday
This is what happens to implants after 20-30 years of wear

08-November-2021 Monday
And 100 more questions at 3 a.m.

28-June-2015 Sunday
The coolness of this photo .... YES I HAVE NO WORDS!

13-April-2015 Monday
Flipping through the news VKontakte, stumbled upon this.

30-March-2015 Monday
Japanese Miki Cooking Japanese Dish "Hiyayakko"

20-March-2015 Friday
THIS happened today!

24-January-2015 Saturday
Guys need an idea what to do

14-January-2015 Wednesday
do you remember this thread? =)

29-July-2014 Tuesday
A moment of professional humor

29-July-2014 Tuesday

29-July-2014 Tuesday
How is Emmett or Emmet correct?

27-July-2014 Sunday
An excerpt from "Clinic" or the first long post)

27-July-2014 Sunday
In light of recent events

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