Kossatka comments

20-October-2021 Wednesday
Do you want to become strong and independent?

08-September-2021 Wednesday
Chechens save Russian women

02-July-2021 Friday
Five world skaters immediately announced their orientation

24-June-2021 Thursday
A friend in need will not leave

14-March-2021 Sunday
ABC reporters told not to call pedophiles pedophiles

11-March-2021 Thursday
Uber and Lyft team up to create database of sexually violent drivers

09-March-2021 Tuesday
March 8 and February 23 at school

07-March-2021 Sunday
If it’s a language, then please, just not like that!

04-March-2021 Thursday
Polish court acquits LGBT activists in the case of the Rainbow Virgin Mary

26-February-2021 Friday
Continuation of the post “Symbolism of fagots”

26-February-2021 Friday
Pedobear symbolism
