Korpacho comments, page 3

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12-February-2020 Wednesday
I urgently need a lock like this!

02-October-2019 Wednesday
After the Saracens squeamishly

21-September-2019 Saturday
Quotes and aphorisms by Bill Murray

17-July-2018 Tuesday
The founder of Aliexpress at the World Cup final

21-June-2018 Thursday
Owners of old PCs

30-May-2017 Tuesday
The mass cancellation of electric trains in the Chelyabinsk region is still felt

25-August-2016 Thursday
Bought five fingertips

17-October-2015 Saturday
Interstellar in Russia

23-November-2014 Sunday
Take note, winter is coming!

04-August-2014 Monday
Big faucet!

30-July-2014 Wednesday
I ate a candy with a message...

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