KolyanSakhalin comments

22-December-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “There is a shortage of personnel in 85% of Russian companies”

09-December-2023 Saturday
Bryansk security guard jailed for 2 months

07-December-2023 Thursday
My hobbies. I collect old inspection tickets and old car documents. Part 1. Updated collection)

24-October-2023 Tuesday
About Russian Post

29-September-2023 Friday
Workdays, or how it just boiled over

25-September-2023 Monday
My hobbies. I collect old car documents and technical inspection certificates, from different eras, from different countries.

02-September-2023 Saturday
Life hacks for sending by Russian mail (if you send often, or a lot)

02-September-2023 Saturday
My unusual hobby. Search difficulties. But finally found it!

24-August-2023 Thursday
Russian Post, there is anything, but you can not send!)

09-July-2023 Sunday
Dim4eg's answer to "Why you shouldn't go on vacation in Sochi"

09-July-2023 Sunday
Do you remember those? Technical inspection coupons from the 1960s. My unusual hobby, to which I devoted a lot of time and effort

30-January-2023 Monday
I would like to tell you about my unusual hobby (continued) and a visual history of vehicle inspection coupons from 1975 to 2002!
