Ko3JiuHa1908 comments

[12] [2] [1]

07-May-2013 Tuesday
You are entering the "Town of fears"

06-May-2013 Monday
My first post (wrote a cool story out of boredom)

06-May-2013 Monday
everything is like in 94, they will also throw you in the same way

22-April-2013 Monday
I didn’t suck, but they let me ride around the yard.

10-April-2013 Wednesday
The most famous and unsolved crimes

04-April-2013 Thursday
10 facts about "MMM"

04-April-2013 Thursday

04-April-2013 Thursday
I'm sorry, the girl saw (

04-April-2013 Thursday
russian fighters against dugs

04-April-2013 Thursday
42 year old mother

03-April-2013 Wednesday
The game of toy soldiers

01-April-2013 Monday
On a double leaf

01-April-2013 Monday
Dictation in the State Duma.

18-March-2013 Monday
Caucasians respect Russia?

17-March-2013 Sunday
About TP

14-March-2013 Thursday
Would anyone like such a future mother for their children? O_o

12-March-2013 Tuesday

11-March-2013 Monday
Tolerance and my opinion (Long post)

11-March-2013 Monday
Life stories from the forums!

[12] [2] [1]
