Kljaksa posts

30-November-2013 Saturday
Pikabushniki, you are the last hope. Please help me find the full version of the movie New year's day 2001. Even if it's in English.

30-August-2013 Friday
Great option for a new meme.

30-August-2013 Friday
Morning is never good.

25-July-2013 Thursday
The writing is on the wall.

22-July-2013 Monday
This is how I behave in a disco/club.

20-July-2013 Saturday
After exam.

20-July-2013 Saturday
When I realized that I said too much.

14-July-2013 Sunday
When a guy and a girl watch a horror movie.

13-June-2013 Thursday
When the girl wrote that it would be in 5 minutes.

13-June-2013 Thursday
When the girl wrote that it would be in 5 minutes.

07-June-2013 Friday
When I let my girlfriend go ahead.

30-May-2013 Thursday
Let go you say?
