KittyMew posts

02-September-2019 Monday
How to fix your brains

06-June-2019 Thursday

01-January-2019 Tuesday
lazy underseller

20-November-2018 Tuesday
Real men play hockey

13-October-2018 Saturday
Women's inconstancy

08-October-2018 Monday
The Nazis also knew how to humor

09-October-2017 Monday
I'm so damn lucky

22-August-2017 Tuesday
Harsh Minsk urns

03-August-2017 Thursday
Lend a friend...

20-June-2017 Tuesday
Two years, normal flight

17-June-2017 Saturday
Revisiting true friendship

23-May-2017 Tuesday
Think again, Denis!

07-February-2017 Tuesday

05-October-2016 Wednesday
Human insolence.

19-September-2016 Monday
Double standards of urban architecture

10-April-2015 Friday
Big brother is watching you
