Kitawashij comments

03-June-2014 Tuesday
Again, genetics

02-June-2014 Monday
Exclusive. Storming of the frontier post in Lugansk. (Real fight). 06/02/2014.

02-June-2014 Monday
swallow's Nest

02-June-2014 Monday
indifferent cat

02-June-2014 Monday
Girl on the left, hippo on the right

01-June-2014 Sunday
Chet is a visionary

01-June-2014 Sunday
Where is the old peekaboo?

01-June-2014 Sunday
Historical photo.

31-May-2014 Saturday
The guys have been patient.

31-May-2014 Saturday
"Surprise or fear?")

31-May-2014 Saturday
Flooding in Altai

31-May-2014 Saturday
The stars are fading too

30-May-2014 Friday
Fo-o-o-r-e-e-k-s e-e-e-to-o-o MMSIS ....
