best comments
A train car on fire on the Crimean bridge
Response to the post "The long-awaited review of Chernobyl from BadComedian"
On the wave of mobilization
Putin announced the beginning of a special military operation in the Donbass
My first experience of shooting in a Chinese series, fortunately in Russian
Sunset 2
Russian traditions
The violator of the rules passes something similar to a bribe to the traffic cop
Latvia did not give asylum to draft dodgers
My first experience of shooting in a Chinese series, fortunately in Russian
Priorities have changed
Alternative film posters by Polish artist Karol Rogoza
Latvia did not give asylum to draft dodgers
My first experience of shooting in a Chinese series, fortunately in Russian
My first experience of shooting in a Chinese series, fortunately in Russian
Interest Ask
Tweedlex's response to "BadComedian's new review has been blocked"
PLAYING SQUID - my first impression
Flashlight for going to the toilet
Tweedlex's response to "BadComedian's new review has been blocked"
Girl with a secret
I draw sometimes
Fast is slow, but without a break
Seven years of pole vaulting
Stop and think
original recipe
Response to the post "Opinion on the exchange of Azov"
The Martian Chronicles
Lovely stranger friends
How not to terminate a contract