Kenchik posts, page 2

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28-February-2022 Monday

26-February-2022 Saturday
Response to the call of Russians to go to rallies

10-February-2022 Thursday
In response to "Batin soup"

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Trudovik resigned!"

11-August-2017 Friday
Reprise in traffic

21-May-2017 Sunday
Looks like the date didn't work out.

14-May-2017 Sunday
For young fathers, a great reason to buy a hoverboard

21-June-2016 Tuesday
Regarding our football and national team

11-December-2015 Friday
Star Wars

16-November-2015 Monday
Come in large numbers

13-November-2015 Friday
Prices on price tags

22-April-2015 Wednesday
drug state

17-February-2015 Tuesday
10 signs that you are in the clinic

31-October-2014 Friday
Happy birthday Vika!

21-October-2014 Tuesday
Peter, walk-behind tractor, Alf-Viking...

30-September-2014 Tuesday
Car stolen. Request for help.

24-September-2014 Wednesday
My work or medicine from the technical side

18-August-2014 Monday
A question for connoisseurs!

22-July-2014 Tuesday
VK agents

29-June-2014 Sunday
Today I went to the McDuck in the Zanevsky cascade (St. Petersburg), turned on wi-fi

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