Kemarian comments

[18] [2] [1]

02-December-2015 Wednesday
Press the start button

01-December-2015 Tuesday
Endless summer.

30-November-2015 Monday
Russian Aerospace Forces have stepped up the intensity of strikes on the infrastructure of the "Islamic State" in Syria.

29-November-2015 Sunday
Luna, Hermione, Zhou Chang

27-November-2015 Friday
Pikabushniks of Moscow help out

24-November-2015 Tuesday
There it is...

23-November-2015 Monday
When there is a snow-covered forest and bitter frost around, and you are by the fireplace ...

23-November-2015 Monday
Hm, good..

19-November-2015 Thursday
What does a cat do to a person or how does absolute happiness look like according to Microsoft)))

14-November-2015 Saturday
I ruined my son's life myself, unimagined stories

10-November-2015 Tuesday
Children's names

08-November-2015 Sunday
About concerts, lotions and saxophone.

07-November-2015 Saturday
Notes of a programmer.

07-November-2015 Saturday
Saxophone post

31-October-2015 Saturday
Never trust them!

12-June-2015 Friday
"Now you must not realize how fucking stupid you are"

23-August-2014 Saturday
Photo from a quadrocopter of a building that is officially considered to be under restoration at the moment

13-August-2013 Tuesday

20-July-2013 Saturday
came off

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