Kazanskii comments

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20-September-2016 Tuesday
breakfast pan

29-August-2016 Monday
For those who have time

22-August-2016 Monday

21-August-2016 Sunday
South Russian tarantula

21-August-2016 Sunday
EVE Online's biggest battle in years

06-August-2016 Saturday
South Korean and North Korean gymnasts

05-August-2016 Friday
When I got acquainted with the platform on fx.

02-August-2016 Tuesday
How I spent part of the summer :)

02-August-2016 Tuesday

02-August-2016 Tuesday
A month of hard work, before and after

29-July-2016 Friday
It's not about the glasses.

21-July-2016 Thursday
How to intrigue a girl

21-July-2016 Thursday
killer cat

16-July-2016 Saturday
Well let's steer!

14-July-2016 Thursday
Tropical Minsk again.

12-July-2016 Tuesday
A typical trip to Arma 3.

30-June-2016 Thursday
quieted down)

19-June-2016 Sunday
Some birds are also "liquid"

11-May-2016 Wednesday
It's okay, don't cry. Mom will fix it :)

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