best comments
Million.lis's answer to “If you want a child, give me an apartment!”
Recently there was a post in one of the Telegram groups about which celebrities you have met in life
Reply to the post "Devalued Household Services - Why Housework Is Thankless and It's Time for Women to Quit It"
Reply to the post "Tourists brutally beaten by a crowd in Anapa for refusing to meet a girl"
Left alone with a two-year-old daughter (temporarily)
They didn't cure my hangover, the bastards
Are we not responsible for quality?
Left alone with a two-year-old daughter (temporarily)
Am I a wretch if I got pissed off by the neighbor's kid and I told him to go to hell?
Am I a wretch if I got pissed off by the neighbor's kid and I told him to go to hell?
Am I a wretch if I got pissed off by the neighbor's kid and I told him to go to hell?
Water does not forgive mistakes
Are we not responsible for quality?