10-September-2013 Tuesday
tree farm
10-September-2013 Tuesday
not only Russia spends a lot of money on something that will never work
07-September-2013 Saturday
Books that make you think "Wow!"
04-September-2013 Wednesday
Shrimp soup. Recipe from Aunt Stelmakh.
02-September-2013 Monday
Looks like it's time to change the editor
30-August-2013 Friday
Slavic advantages
17-August-2013 Saturday
17-August-2013 Saturday
Gender equality!
16-August-2013 Friday
10-August-2013 Saturday
About gays and propaganda.
03-August-2013 Saturday
A ray of light in the dark kingdom
28-July-2013 Sunday
About homosexuality
26-July-2013 Friday
Guys stop whining
26-July-2013 Friday
Truth :-)
21-July-2013 Sunday
21-July-2013 Sunday
15-July-2013 Monday
Family idyll :)
13-July-2013 Saturday
I don't know about you, but I always root for the bulls
12-July-2013 Friday
Guys, I have so much good in my soul right now that I have to share with you! Write in the comments, I'll add everything I find !!)
05-July-2013 Friday
TP with high opinion