01-October-2024 Tuesday
A 9th-grader fell in love with a 27-year-old Tajik loader. How did it all end?
29-September-2024 Sunday
Porridge from an axe: no recipes yet. I'm in trouble
28-September-2024 Saturday
What attractions in the USSR were most loved by children and adults
26-September-2024 Thursday
Attorney by agreement vs. attorney by appointment
24-September-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Flibusta - V S Y O"
23-September-2024 Monday
DAMN, why don't I remind my husband to call his grandmother back?
23-September-2024 Monday
Am I an asshole for leaving my friend to return home alone on the train?
22-September-2024 Sunday
Talk to the kids
21-September-2024 Saturday
OH MY, I don't want to keep the agreement with my husband about our children's surnames
18-September-2024 Wednesday
The entire village came out to see her off, and they carried the coffin all the way to the cemetery.
16-September-2024 Monday
My Job Is To Watch A Woman Locked In A Room (Part 4 Of 5)
16-September-2024 Monday
"You rascal," his grandmother told him, and there was so much warmth and love in her voice that she could have covered the whole of Yeloshnoye with it, like a blanket.
15-September-2024 Sunday
We are strong with our pecks
14-September-2024 Saturday
Psychiatric hospital named after Kashchenko. The logical result and consequences
13-September-2024 Friday
"Enough of this foolishness," she said sternly, "you know I don't like this stuff." Vasya became embarrassed, quieted down, and seemed to become shorter.
13-September-2024 Friday
10-September-2024 Tuesday
To crush or not to crush?
08-September-2024 Sunday
Damn, why didn't you invite your parents or other family members to your own wedding?
06-September-2024 Friday
FUCK, what if I ask my wife to do a paternity test because I don't remember getting her pregnant?
06-September-2024 Friday
Am I an asshole for saying I doubted my husband had a child after he asked for a paternity test?