Karlasyan posts, page 3

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22-July-2023 Saturday
The whole truth about the moon, the scientists hid from us!

30-April-2023 Sunday
PuK.u.MopTu's response to "Beloved Relatives..."

07-December-2022 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Remove by all means"

09-November-2022 Wednesday
Autumn, already almost winter, exacerbation ...

23-August-2022 Tuesday
My wife said that I don't give her flowers.

08-June-2022 Wednesday
I changed the filter, but there is still no spark, where to dig?

07-June-2022 Tuesday
Experimental Erotica from the neural network DALL E mini

03-May-2022 Tuesday
Hussars keep quiet!!

27-May-2021 Thursday
Briefly about 4G from MTS ...

11-October-2019 Friday
Novosibirsk CNC workers help me find optical shafts!

06-September-2019 Friday

26-May-2019 Sunday
Ender 3 + laser, fast star.

25-May-2019 Saturday
Closing an individual entrepreneur, paying contributions to the Pension Fund and medical insurance.

23-March-2019 Saturday
Rick and Morty sticker, CDR sources, for self-production.

18-February-2019 Monday
I am looking for a part of the optical taract of the Epson EMP-S52 projector, I need your help!

06-December-2018 Thursday
Kostya Stupin, portrait.

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