best comments
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Let's raise our glasses!
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Reply to the post “Why intellectuals don’t like capitalism”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
This is why you need a “concrete cabinet” in the house
Dmitry Nagiyev donated 10 million rubles for the purchase of ventilators
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Following on from the post about the first man in space
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Let's raise our glasses!
Bend time
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
Child labour
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
True story
How Yandex prepares children for adulthood
Myths about the market economy
The value of freedom
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Child labour
Child labour
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
Why import substitution doesn't work
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
"I'll apologize! Do you accept the applause?"
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Why import substitution doesn't work
Why intellectuals don't like capitalism
Why import substitution doesn't work
Child labour
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Self-isolation is no good
Reply to the post “Receipt for people (prototype)”
True story
Taxes are evil
Taxes are evil
Taxes are evil
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
How Yandex prepares children for adulthood
How Yandex prepares children for adulthood
Taxes are evil
Taxes are evil
True story
Let's discuss the USSR using this picture as an example
Reply to the post “Receipt for people (prototype)”
Libertarianism is minarchism and anarcho-capitalism
Libertarianism is minarchism and anarcho-capitalism
Myths about the market economy
Myths about the market economy
Myths about the market economy
Myths about the market economy
Myths about the market economy
Myths about the market economy
Libertarianism in one thesis
Libertarianism in one thesis
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
Pavel Durov responded to Dudu about the film about “Silicon Valley”
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
Child labour
Child labour
Child labour
Voice messages on the phones of almost all teachers in the country
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
tep60's answer to "Why intellectuals don't like capitalism"
Escape from the sect
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
The rich get richer the poor get poorer
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
Is inequality a problem or a cognitive distortion?
How the market was solved by coronavirus
How the market was solved by coronavirus
Scandinavian socialism
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Take away and divide
Why did I become a streamer?
Why did I become a streamer?
Political nomenclature
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 1) History of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Inflation is a Fraud (Part 2) The Mechanism of Money
Mikhail Pozharsky about the bourgeoisie buying up ventilators
Mikhail Pozharsky about the bourgeoisie buying up ventilators
Mikhail Pozharsky about the bourgeoisie buying up ventilators
Mikhail Pozharsky about the bourgeoisie buying up ventilators
Unconditional income is a tool of freedom (probably)
Unconditional income is a tool of freedom (probably)
Unconditional income is a tool of freedom (probably)
Voice of reason in the Moscow City Duma