22-May-2024 Wednesday
16-May-2024 Thursday
True love
07-May-2024 Tuesday
My stomach cancer
05-May-2024 Sunday
Hogwarts Mysteries
03-May-2024 Friday
When was born at night
01-May-2024 Wednesday
Yandex, that's enough!
18-April-2024 Thursday
14-April-2024 Sunday
In Novosibirsk, a tractor driver radically solved the problem of illegal trade in migrants
04-April-2024 Thursday
28-March-2024 Thursday
In Ufa, a courier leaned a box against a concrete wall at the entrance, and the wall collapsed
25-March-2024 Monday
Goodbye, Yulka
01-March-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post “Consequences of avoiding pursuit”
01-March-2024 Friday
In fact it is!
15-February-2024 Thursday
carbon footprint
11-February-2024 Sunday
"I'll tell you about killer whales."
02-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “If naked depraved girls get 5000 pluses, let’s see how many rescue girls get!”
05-January-2024 Friday
It is amazing
20-October-2023 Friday
Scientists have found the scariest movie!
20-October-2023 Friday
Is it debt?
04-November-2019 Monday
Is it possible to become a programmer after 30 years of age? I'll share my story