Kamajii comments, page 53

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10-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "The Power of Pikabu"

07-December-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “About painful issues”

05-December-2024 Thursday
Interesting kitchen ergonomics

04-December-2024 Wednesday
3d printing as a hobby

04-December-2024 Wednesday
I suggest an experiment: close your eyes and remember your childhood, and guess the car by the sound)

04-December-2024 Wednesday
Since when did Pikabu become a government agency?

02-December-2024 Monday
Rafik is not guilty of anything!

01-December-2024 Sunday
You can watch fire, water and how others work endlessly)

21-November-2024 Thursday
- More to the right, more to the right. - More to the right, from you or from me?

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