worst comments
Delicious probably
Thanks "anonymous" with peekaboo...)
My son is gay.
And these are found.
Terrible indignation.
Quarrel with a girl
Please advise what to do.
Why am I always and everywhere downvoted/insulted?
Tough but fair
The incredible fortitude of a boy named Long
It's never too late to start learning English :D
This is fine?
Life without fingers
Four rays of goodness
I share the positive with the pickups :D
This riddle is similar to Einstein's riddle. But it contains a little more data, so the solution will take a little longer.
This riddle is similar to Einstein's riddle. But it contains a little more data, so the solution will take a little longer.
Working in the gaming industry is not that fun
There are boobs - no need for mind!
Then and now.
How do you like it?
Gorgeous gift!!!!
It's even scarier than finding out that the sprite is transparent.
Out of habit
So why drink it at all?
And we are different
boy philosophy
All the same, the end
Another one of a kind of "contact" ...
Apartment in Smolensk
Second chance
An amazing example of friendship and understanding between children and animals
The incident in the minibus.