worst comments
Beware of idiots!
Beware of idiots!
Beware of idiots!
About TP
Old phone vs new :)
panochka died
Happy birthday Mikhail Kalashnikov
and again schoolchildren do not understand
Beware of idiots!
Beware of idiots!
My childhood game.
Pussy Riot
A friend made a tunnel in the ear, my today's purchase
Guess who's here for a charity rock concert?
Court finds Pussy Riot guilty
Pussy Riot
would you lift?
and again schoolchildren do not understand
Did they start spreading viruses through peekaboo? (Screenshot, go to the profile at your own peril and risk) UPD: The problem has already been fixed. Cleared profile.
Went to the toilet.
About authors and moderators
Spider on peekaboo!
A friend made a tunnel in the ear, my today's purchase
help find ads on youtube
help find ads on youtube
help find ads on youtube
This is fucked up, comrades.
Radiohead - creep
Indeed, why?
Happy birthday Mikhail Kalashnikov
Happy birthday Mikhail Kalashnikov
Wonderful stockings!
No difference
Disgusting strange freshwater monsters that bite off eggs.
There is nothing to laugh at the grandfather!
Message from heaven
Broke up with a girl.
some kind of alien
panochka died
“My dad is a man of his word,” writes the daughter of the once mustachioed Peskov, who “finished” the 11th grade as an external student. sad
On the Independence Day of Poland, the Poles attacked the Russian embassy