worst comments
Thought aloud from a resident of the Southeast.
Thought aloud from a resident of the Southeast.
Thought aloud from a resident of the Southeast.
Kolokoltsev promised to keep Berkut's name in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Addition to the list of great houses
One country - different opinions
wake up and see such news)
Hero's funeral
My town
Odessa, Kharkov, Donbass - Russia is with you!
wake up and see such news)
Hero's funeral
Kolokoltsev promised to keep Berkut's name in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
They go into battle alone :) remember?
They go into battle alone :) remember?
Upvote if you don't agree)
Do not touch.
They go into battle alone :) remember?
Hero's funeral
Vitaly Churkin!
Upvote if you don't agree)
They go into battle alone :) remember?
In Malaysia
Kharkiv... Svoboda Square. 04/30/14
Get away from Donetsk
That's how many European countries can accommodate Kazakhstan.
Russia and Ukraine must be together!
And then I'll plant a cibulka ...
Poll results.
How things have changed
They go into battle alone :) remember?
The Hungarian prime minister set his sights on the privatization of Transcarpathia
The Hungarian prime minister set his sights on the privatization of Transcarpathia
Open support for the DNR from Moscow
Message from Marina Strukova, member of the Union of Writers of Russia
Husky puppy
And let's remember how it all began. Maydauns, and don't say you weren't warned that this would happen.
Comic about the situation in Ukraine
Ukrainian fans at the match Dynamo - Shakhtar
Ny-nya-nashny brotherhood!
Photoshop master did his best
Duty to the Motherland
Duty to the Motherland
Get away from Donetsk
A clear explanation of why Ukraine is so sausage. Difference between east and west.
BREAKING NEWS: Putin let gas bypass Ukraine
Where is the guy who promised to eat his passport?
Addition to the list of great houses
BREAKING NEWS: Putin let gas bypass Ukraine
In Malaysia
Ukrainian patriot
Weakness or set-up on the part of Russia?
Photo from the House of Trade Unions in Odessa
Soon :)
Belarus is happy
After all, it is.
Double standards policy!!!
Belarus is happy
Your face when someone doesn't have an iPhone
A clear explanation of why Ukraine is so sausage. Difference between east and west.
Weakness or set-up on the part of Russia?
Duty to the Motherland
It's a fuck-up, a complete fuck-up...
Hero's funeral
You choose
Husky puppy
The opinion of an American soldier
Tse freedom of speech
Poll results.
Unexpected meetings on Peekaboo
Member of the Peace March.
A thought flashed through my mind.
Sneaky Putin
everything happens in this life
Everything is fine with Babai + a son was born.
Why not go to the South-East in Kyiv, for a visit! Free your own, show yourself, and see how the embryos of Europeans jump! )
What is North Korea's Iron Curtain hiding?
Everything is fine with Babai + a son was born.
An ordinary day in Donetsk
In Kyiv, 38 people with AKM tried to rob a bank
Experience exchange
Experience exchange
The hard fate of Poroshenko
Western and Eastern Ukraine.
UPA flags washed memorial plaques
Stumbled upon last year's comment
Ukrainian patriot
My town
More specifically: States should be held accountable...
Hero's funeral
Digit of the day
Stumbled upon last year's comment
Remember who your real enemy is
Crimean woman to Ukrainians: "We were your citizens?"
Stumbled upon last year's comment
An ordinary monument that stands in London, but if you look closely at the inscription...
Odessa, Kharkov, Donbass - Russia is with you!
Darwin award?
And while you're sitting here on the peekaboo...
Experience exchange
An ordinary day in Donetsk
thank God, finally found a way
How do we prepare for Victory Day
This young guy was killed on May 2 in Odessa by "Patriots of Ukraine"
Services in Bryansk! Let's take back Alaska! tel...
Fireworks at 22:00 is just gorgeous!!!
Belarus is happy
Other story.
Holidays this year will be special.
I have no words...
Holidays this year will be special.
Ukrainian oligarchs will attract foreign mercenaries to maintain law and order in the country
Ponomarev: for 10 days of operation in the east of Ukraine, the losses of Kyiv amounted to 650 people
Let's rejoice for our Ukrainian friends
And it publishes one of the most popular English news publications "London news".
Do they eat salo in Russia?
One of the reasons why Stepan Bandera and his fans are not liked on Peekaboo.
Treasury of Ukraine
How do we prepare for Victory Day
On Consequences and Self-Management
Does the country Ukraine exist?
The Ukrainian media are now slipping false information.
There is no post. My explanation for the post was downvoted and is now at the bottom. Many people don't see it. I do not want site visitors living in Ukraine
Ukraine and Crimean Tatars
Thought aloud from a resident of the Southeast.
Here is our football championship of Ukraine =)
What does this hieroglyph mean?
Unexpected meetings on Peekaboo
Ukraine again...
Wait for me and I will come back
The current state of Ukraine.
My university TNPU (ped. university of Ternopil, Ukraine)
My university TNPU (ped. university of Ternopil, Ukraine)
Digit of the day
Peter and Peter
Alteration, but funny...
More specifically: States should be held accountable...
TV channel that got dirty
there were times
Referenda in Lugansk
Public Enemies?
Why don't Russians smile?
A few separatists
Southeast and the obvious
Dear brothers Russians!