KHOleg comments, page 2

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27-July-2015 Monday
Verse by Anastasia Dmitruk - "The masks are torn off - there is no one to believe" (they jumped)

12-May-2015 Tuesday
The dark past of Nadezhda Savchenko.

07-May-2015 Thursday
About the aesthetics of death and not only. Alexander Perlin. (

17-April-2015 Friday
Obedient boys are given gesheft.

17-April-2015 Friday
Forget all. Ukrainians forever say goodbye to the USSR by renaming cities. (Source -

08-April-2015 Wednesday
Hey, artists, don't turn your back, it's not a propeller, you're told. (Source:

25-February-2015 Wednesday
Vasya lived.

25-February-2015 Wednesday
Middle name.

24-February-2015 Tuesday
Meet two liters of gasoline

23-February-2015 Monday
Excursion around American-occupied Odessa. Konstantin Odessit. ( part 2

23-February-2015 Monday
Excursion around American-occupied Odessa. Konstantin Odessit. ( part 1

23-February-2015 Monday
And it's Monday again. To the anniversary of the revolution of dignity: Golden loaves vs golden loaves. Nyura N. Berg. (part 1)

19-February-2015 Thursday
I don’t want to see Ukraine or read about it, and there is no need for any brotherhood. (Reedus)

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