KAORUzol posts, page 2

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03-August-2020 Monday
What are these strange winged ants that appear in late July and early August?

03-August-2020 Monday
Why will a fly endlessly hit the glass and never think of flying out the open window nearby?

26-July-2020 Sunday
Why do worms crawl to the surface after rain if only death awaits them outside?

22-July-2020 Wednesday
Squidworm: A creature from the abyss of the ocean about which there is minimal information

03-June-2020 Wednesday
Why do horseshoe crabs have blue blood?

02-June-2020 Tuesday
Why can't a hedgehog be given milk?

02-June-2020 Tuesday
Giant Octopus: 3 hearts, blue blood, 9 brains. Lifestyle of the largest octopus!

01-June-2020 Monday
Why don't penguins live at the North Pole? Or do they live?

29-May-2020 Friday
Do animals give each other names?

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