K0T3ADP0T posts

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19-September-2016 Monday
The earthquake scared the turtle and now she is afraid to go down to the floor

18-September-2016 Sunday
This hard plastic container is shaped like a ziploc bag.

18-September-2016 Sunday
Coca Cola from the USSR

17-September-2016 Saturday
Running dachshunds dressed as hot dogs.

16-September-2016 Friday
My wife asked if I would like to see a creepy doll in my collection.

15-September-2016 Thursday
This hermit crab uses a baby food jar as protection

12-September-2016 Monday
Nokia helps to survive

11-September-2016 Sunday
jewish bun

11-September-2016 Sunday
My old lady turned 17 this week

11-September-2016 Sunday

10-September-2016 Saturday
Full cosplay of Jim Raynor

10-September-2016 Saturday
The saddest book ever released

09-September-2016 Friday
Plasma gun (continued)

08-September-2016 Thursday

06-September-2016 Tuesday

04-September-2016 Sunday

19-August-2016 Friday
Days before the first of September

18-August-2016 Thursday
Do not climb the abandoned places!!!

09-August-2016 Tuesday

19-July-2016 Tuesday
honestly steal from VK

13-July-2016 Wednesday
Scarlett gets herself a new tattoo.

19-June-2016 Sunday

19-April-2016 Tuesday

18-April-2016 Monday
I'm a troll of such a high level that I don't even want to troll.

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