JuliaKitten comments, page 38

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12-August-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “Realtors, you dogs of hell, is the attic leaking?”

11-August-2024 Sunday
Why don’t they raise your salary, and when you quit, they hire two people for x2

10-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Realtors, you dogs of hell, is the attic leaking?”

10-August-2024 Saturday
“They drive away bandits with sticks”: in the Kursk region, the gypsy mafia robs the empty houses of refugees

09-August-2024 Friday
Stavropol. Residential Complex Perspective

06-August-2024 Tuesday
In 1856, the Xhosa people, following the prophecy of a 15-year-old girl, destroyed all their livestock and crops.

06-August-2024 Tuesday
How to pull a cable into a pipe? Working method - take note

05-August-2024 Monday
Russian rental business is alive and well

29-July-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “Don’t touch YouTube”

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