Jr13 posts

21-September-2023 Thursday
They are going to build two new metro lines in St. Petersburg (or “Brehat” - don’t build.)

24-April-2023 Monday
The magic power of peekaboo. Repair of the head of the block Laceti 1.6

11-February-2023 Saturday

10-February-2023 Friday
Choice of Faith? Or what do Buddhists say?

03-February-2023 Friday
All this bullshit...

01-February-2023 Wednesday
Afrosaratovka .... Or a feature of sracha in the brain ...

31-January-2023 Tuesday
Do not forge piz *** "response to the post # A Sverdlovsk resident was found missing a week ago - he was bitten by dogs

26-January-2023 Thursday
Didn't the governor know?

24-January-2023 Tuesday
01/24/1935 The first canned beer appeared on sale

30-November-2022 Wednesday
As we know how, they apply sanctions ...

28-September-2022 Wednesday
Zae ....... Manuly

21-September-2022 Wednesday
On the topic of today...

21-September-2022 Wednesday
I didn’t understand something ... Sputnik

11-September-2022 Sunday

08-September-2022 Thursday
.... You haven't visited us yet...
