JonyOdinson posts

13-January-2023 Friday
Response to the post “For people who grew up in poverty, what did you think was luxury then?”

09-November-2022 Wednesday
The answer to the post "The level of styrene in the apartment is exceeded, what should I do?"

16-August-2022 Tuesday
"I wanted the best, but it turned out as always" or what to do with it now?)

27-July-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "You are concerned about the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"

25-July-2022 Monday
Pickup magnet

10-May-2022 Tuesday

29-March-2022 Tuesday
Spring Fence

13-February-2022 Sunday
I cry out to you the Power of Pikabu)

15-January-2022 Saturday
In the wake of posts .. "TV series from childhood" .. what about this masterpiece?)

07-October-2021 Thursday
Walking castle

02-September-2021 Thursday
Feel the power of the earth
