worst comments
Wine of Victory.
Walk around Paris.
Gold words...
When the press secretary is a hipster
From an interview with the GRU commando "Mitrokha" in the First Chechen Campaign:
A Frenchman posted a group photo of his first grade daughter on his Facebook.
The return of the white farmers
Interesting bills that do not hide anything about the revolution of 1917.
Tea drinking
Tea drinking
Lukashenka asked Ukraine not to plant militants in Belarus
Gold words...
Killed Arseny Pavlov "Motorola"
Thank you honestly
Let's congratulate the national team of Ukraine, with access to the final part of the European Championship 2016
Thank you honestly
Australians teased Belarusian tennis player with moans
Zakharova demanded an apology from the Euronews TV channel for lying about the deportation of Crimean Tatars
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
How celebrities support the campaign to legalize same-sex marriage in Australia
Welcome to the suburbs.
Thank you honestly
Let's congratulate the national team of Ukraine, with access to the final part of the European Championship 2016
I advise you to see: "Arrival" (Arrival - 2016)
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
A fight at Starikov's lecture.
That's how niggas proved they're one of the smartest creatures on earth.
Economic relations between Russia and Belarus
Komsomolskaya Pravda on October 19 posted information that Erdogan was going to shoot down a Russian plane in Syria
These evil terrorists.
Everything is ok, this is the Scoop
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
He speaks good words, true ...
Temporarily unable to watch the Benny Hill show...
Graffiti in Minsk
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Briefly about Evgeny Satanovsky.
"Shcha, the Ukrainian-Russian will end and we will live!..."
Anti-advertising of Russian social networks appeared in Dnepropetrovsk
Old..old Kyiv
Are you an atheist?
Are you an atheist?
Are you an atheist?
That's how niggas proved they're one of the smartest creatures on earth.
Lukashenka asked Ukraine not to plant militants in Belarus
Lukashenka asked Ukraine not to plant militants in Belarus
And the cries are heard only about "Belarus" :-)
And the cries are heard only about "Belarus" :-)
And the cries are heard only about "Belarus" :-)
Not much about Valerian, The Fifth Element and Star Wars.
Congratulations Muscovites! Your deputy, which you deserve!
REN TV burns...
It is necessary to plant a Polish pan over Ukrainian serfs
And a terrible Russian renaissance will break out ..
The birth of a new federal executive body
Note to Erdogan
And not even about Russia
Why should we break something ...
It looks like ours in Syria fucked up
The Russians have almost completely lost interest in the protests.
Burberry to stop using real fur and burning clothes
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Emblem of the Republic of Belarus
Parody of a moment from the movie "The Best Day Ever"
Parody of a moment from the movie "The Best Day Ever"
Parody of a moment from the movie "The Best Day Ever"
Parody of a moment from the movie "The Best Day Ever"
Mongolian orchestra sings "Russian Field" in the purest Russian
Kim Jong Un VS panda
How to get from Crimea to Dneproperovsk?
How to get from Crimea to Dneproperovsk?
The soft sign left after the renaming of Donetsk to Donetsk was decided to be kept for renaming Kharkiv to Kharkiv in the future.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen.
Kurdish YPG
Kurdish YPG