Jestik comments, page 298

20-August-2022 Saturday
Those fucking ninjas again

20-August-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post “Motorcyclists on the road. Look in the mirrors"

19-August-2022 Friday
Ukraine gets enhanced access to images and data from Iceye satellites. space news

18-August-2022 Thursday
The names of the largest highways in the US are easy to remember. 'Cause they go in order

18-August-2022 Thursday
And what happens then?

18-August-2022 Thursday
Whose business is more successful?

18-August-2022 Thursday
Zoo branch on the bus or another reason to buy an injury

16-August-2022 Tuesday
Residents of Mariupol waiting for the bus at the bus stop

16-August-2022 Tuesday
Chinese Foreign Ministry named the share of those who refused sanctions against Russia

16-August-2022 Tuesday
Ukrainian saboteurs blew up power lines coming from the Kursk nuclear power plant
