best comments
Know the pain
I'm superstar...
Girly Questions
Mulberry pusher
Help identifying a plant! shhh
Mom don't be scared
A Muscovite woman received a sentence for self-defense after she was stabbed and almost raped
Know the pain
How AIDS was discovered
It's simple
Appeal in a comment
Be ready!
How little we know about the good fairies...
Heroes of the photo, find yourself! :)
What I saw in medical school
An unknown father is “better” than a loving brother: how the guardianship authorities ruin the life of little Kira
Reply to the post “Offended”
An anti-vaccinator asks on Facebook how to protect her unvaccinated three-year-old daughter from a measles epidemic.
Galadriel of the House of Finarfin
What I saw in medical school
Reply to the post “Offended”
And you?
Mom don't be scared
Reply to the post “Cutlet”
How much should a man earn?
"squirrel" search for the real name of a tree with berries.
shitty gynecology
Benzene ring stamp
Another 60 years of progress until a lace with one eyelet
Coffin as a gift
Benzene ring stamp
Explain it before I kill you
I am looking for a book. Fiction.
past due lives
Mother, give or take.
The obscurantism we deserve?
Rotting alive.
Planetarium closes in Barnaul.
About expectation and reality
When you want to, but you can’t
B.D.S.M. - immobility of pet dogs for manicure
Children's setup from a pure soul)
Morning in Aktru valley
Cities for 300
It's simple
It's simple
Ideas for the new season of Black Mirror
When there is unbridled fun around, and you ...
Planetarium closes in Barnaul.
An anti-vaccinator asks on Facebook how to protect her unvaccinated three-year-old daughter from a measles epidemic.
Dystopia about the train
Help identifying a plant! shhh
B.D.S.M. - immobility of pet dogs for manicure
Why are we inferior to birds in some ways?
“I did it” or what to do during quarantine
How they want to deprive resident doctors of their jobs and graduates of medical universities from residency
Why waste time?