Jacksonowitch comments, page 12

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11-August-2021 Wednesday
The answer to the post "On the topic Sobchak achieved everything herself ..."

02-July-2021 Friday
More about vaccination

24-May-2021 Monday
Colombian guy with makeshift shield against armored water cannon looks like a scene from a Marvel movie

19-May-2021 Wednesday
Anti-theft worked

21-April-2021 Wednesday
Fight of the Year

20-April-2021 Tuesday
The driver "swears by Allah that cowardice will not prolong his life, and courage will not shorten it"

20-April-2021 Tuesday
We're going to the orphanage

20-April-2021 Tuesday
Ten rules that will help you live the way you want

16-April-2021 Friday
Almost mystical story

25-February-2021 Thursday
Children and the Internet. Opinion from the past

07-December-2020 Monday
Drank some tea

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