best comments
New Year's Gift from Moscow.
About the pin in the socket.
Heard here like Irish jokes, a selection of my favorites.
Gift from Obninsk
About racism!
New Year's Gift from Moscow.
Pay or not?
What do we have for dinner tonight?
Gift from Obninsk
Gift from Obninsk
When asked about your interests.
Heard here like Irish jokes, a selection of my favorites.
Heard here like Irish jokes, a selection of my favorites.
Give me the recipe for cooking cat. Thanks in advance.
Help me find
Let's give medicines Depakin Chronosphere Saint-Petersburg
Confused in the former
You already lent me
Where there is snow, where the foliage turns yellow... But in Voronezh there is a double rainbow.
Dear smokers, how much do you spend on cigarettes per month?
I believe in a New Year's miracle and I ask for a little help
Gift exchange
Gift exchange
Let's give medicines Depakin Chronosphere Saint-Petersburg
Peekaboo League, I'm crying out for help...
Gift exchange
Gift exchange
Cool scam with a Sberbank card
The cry of the soul on the eve of Star Wars
I will answer questions about homemade beer.
Samara police did not let a WWII veteran into the parade during the governor's speech
How did you quit smoking?
A question for lawyers
Gift exchange
Gift exchange
About electronic cigarettes.
Christmas tree from 3.67r
Winter and good.
Winter and good.
New Year's gift exchange
You are not you when the book is over))
Where there is snow, where the foliage turns yellow... But in Voronezh there is a double rainbow.
How do I switch to e-smoking?
Gift from Obninsk
Orthodoxy has a new PR man
This is not taught in school or even in university.