Izir comments

13-December-2016 Tuesday
My job

21-June-2015 Sunday

12-June-2015 Friday
Do-it-yourself brutal business card holder made of concrete

29-September-2014 Monday

15-August-2014 Friday
In honor of the Friday tag "mine"

08-August-2014 Friday
Freaked out

21-June-2014 Saturday
Become a blood donor - save a life! Continuation.

20-May-2014 Tuesday
Launch of training ballistic missiles in Astrakhan

21-April-2014 Monday
Severe Russian double bass

11-February-2014 Tuesday
The first Olympic medal of Belarus in Sochi. Please be happy for us)

04-February-2014 Tuesday
Spoiler alert!

12-January-2014 Sunday
Morning is never good

12-January-2014 Sunday
For me, the head of the horse is not relevant

07-January-2014 Tuesday
Volgograd 07.01.2014
