14-August-2024 Wednesday
Up to 15 years
13-August-2024 Tuesday
15 years ago
12-August-2024 Monday
The best way to clean your nose
23-July-2024 Tuesday
I'm asking for advice
23-July-2024 Tuesday
21-July-2024 Sunday
Cheap prices - a post about annoying speech patterns
21-July-2024 Sunday
MACTX3B's response to "Friend Zone"
20-July-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Engineers, let’s collude!”
18-July-2024 Thursday
Goliar's response to "Capital doesn't care about you"
17-July-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Capital doesn’t care about you”
17-July-2024 Wednesday
Wednesday: Continue the drawing: 92nd weekly marathon
18-June-2024 Tuesday
Summer greetings to subscribers
18-June-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Vroom-vroom”
17-June-2024 Monday
11-June-2024 Tuesday
Come up with a name for the sweater
11-June-2024 Tuesday
Making a planetary gearbox to make more money
28-May-2024 Tuesday
Animals are pissing me off!
25-May-2024 Saturday
New stars
02-October-2022 Sunday
I love her
27-September-2022 Tuesday
Dad is a personnel officer