Issuevich comments, page 28

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08-September-2023 Friday
Shepelev will return to TV after anti-Russian statements

07-September-2023 Thursday
This is the kind of Jedi Knight I would play

06-September-2023 Wednesday
In the Zaporozhye region announced the tactical withdrawal of the Russian Armed Forces from Rabotino

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Response to the post “When will the sanctions be lifted?”

05-September-2023 Tuesday
New footage of the destroyed British Challenger 2 tank

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma gave the people the opportunity to propose laws, but no one cares

04-September-2023 Monday
Response to the post "Interview the employer"

04-September-2023 Monday
"Why don't the laws of the Russian Federation work in the Russian Federation?"

04-September-2023 Monday
They're taking our jobs!

03-September-2023 Sunday
If the doctor said to the morgue, then to the morgue

03-September-2023 Sunday
BNS - Ukraine will be supplied with depleted uranium shells, Scholz got punched in the face, and Trump ended up behind bars

03-September-2023 Sunday
The price of petrol is going up. We're all going to die (no) 09/03/2023

03-September-2023 Sunday
Medvedev announced the recruitment of about 280 thousand contract soldiers into the army

03-September-2023 Sunday
“Automatic bursts and explosions are heard”: residents of Chelyabinsk were alarmed by the sounds of gunfire

02-September-2023 Saturday
Response to “Bloomberg: The wealth of the richest Russians has increased by more than $32 billion since the beginning of the year”

02-September-2023 Saturday
News such news

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