Ispeshritel posts

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17-June-2014 Tuesday
Canned food "Breakfast of a terrorist"

13-June-2014 Friday
Lyashko is fighting in the east under the flag of the SS division "Galicia"

04-June-2014 Wednesday
In the alternative universe of "expert" Dmitry Tymchuk, members of the Caucasus Emirate are civilians

30-May-2014 Friday
Soon the first drone will be in service with the Ukrainian army. If Svidomo collect 300,000 hryvnia (1.2 million rubles).

26-May-2014 Monday
Finally! Tags "Crimea" and "Cat" can be combined

25-May-2014 Sunday
Watch your hands or How Poroshenko's rating grew

14-May-2014 Wednesday
Switched to Windows 8 before it was mainstream

13-May-2014 Tuesday
League of detectives against "expert" Tymchuk

13-May-2014 Tuesday
"For some reason, people see us as an enemy," the Minister of Defense of Ukraine is naively surprised

03-May-2014 Saturday
Now I finally understand why the Southeast does not want to live with the Maydanuts in one country.

03-May-2014 Saturday
Honest Ukrainian media: the causes of the fire in the Odessa House of Trade Unions are unknown

24-April-2014 Thursday
What did the funds collected to support the Ukrainian army go for?

16-April-2014 Wednesday
The Ukrainian army penetrated the rear of the militants by guerrilla way

15-April-2014 Tuesday
One of the most important accessories for a Russian car

27-March-2014 Thursday
Be afraid, katsaps

19-March-2014 Wednesday
Do you want to change the world? Begin with yourself!

19-March-2014 Wednesday
Putin is the hero of the day. Even Svidomo Ukrainians

18-March-2014 Tuesday
Numbers of new regions. Assumption.

18-March-2014 Tuesday
Military prosecutor of sofa troops

14-March-2014 Friday
Ukraine can regain its nuclear weapons

13-March-2014 Thursday
Again and again about double standards

13-March-2014 Thursday
Putin vs. Obama in Crimea

06-March-2014 Thursday
Ministry of Defense warns!

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