Islamorada comments

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13-May-2020 Wednesday
Somewhere out there, the dolphins returned, and the turtle doves returned to our air conditioner

25-April-2020 Saturday
Are you susceptible to the ostrich effect?

16-April-2020 Thursday
How do you like this advice?

14-December-2019 Saturday
Winter New York

21-September-2019 Saturday
Celebrity graves. Troekurovsky cemetery part 2

19-April-2019 Friday
by the mouth of a baby

05-April-2019 Friday
Roskomnadzor blocked the FSN website at the request of VTB President Andrei Kostin for information about his mistress.

23-March-2019 Saturday
Alpacas are burning

14-January-2019 Monday
About roller coasters, idiots and responsibility

13-January-2019 Sunday
"Decorations" on the lawn and harm to the psyche.

04-January-2019 Friday
Guatemala. A child is grief in the family.

31-December-2018 Monday
For those who flip through the New Year's Peekaboo;)

04-December-2018 Tuesday
Old school Christmas decorations

26-October-2017 Thursday
Favorite childhood book - "Tomek's adventures on different continents"

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