IoMagica comments

31-December-2014 Wednesday
It was the 366th day of 2014....

31-December-2014 Wednesday
Meet the new 2015 with peekaboo!

27-December-2014 Saturday
EMS Russian Post - "The best delivery company!"

17-December-2014 Wednesday
Something is wrong with me :(

10-October-2014 Friday

05-September-2014 Friday
Friday "mine"

29-August-2014 Friday
How was my brother treated?

25-August-2014 Monday
Don't pass by, pikabushnik, help!!!

29-July-2014 Tuesday
I was sitting somehow...

26-June-2014 Thursday
strange account in my opinion

05-June-2014 Thursday
Shake the chinchilla's paw

16-February-2014 Sunday
Everything is calm, he will pass.

16-February-2014 Sunday
Peekaboo Logic Rules
