Invest1s.umom posts, page 4

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11-June-2024 Tuesday
Buying dividend stocks and bonds. Current composition of assets

10-June-2024 Monday
12 deposits with a yield of up to 18.3% per annum

08-June-2024 Saturday
Review of main events: the Central Bank maintained the key rate, the Moscow Exchange index began to grow, SPIEF began, new dividends and bond placements

01-June-2024 Saturday
Review of main events: the Moscow Exchange index is being adjusted, new dividends, deposit rates are rising

26-May-2024 Sunday
Review of main events: the Moscow Exchange index is being adjusted, new dividends, Gazprom without dividends, reports from Sovcombank and Segezha

16-May-2024 Thursday
10 floating coupon bonds with a yield of more than 17%

16-May-2024 Thursday
Two bond issues of AFK system with a variable coupon on placement

11-May-2024 Saturday
Review of main events: new dividends, reports of Tatneft and Lenenergo, additional issue of shares of TKS Holding

04-May-2024 Saturday
Review of main events: new dividends, Gazprom report, additional issue of Sovcombank shares

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