Inclient comments

22-April-2024 Monday
Have you ever walked into a room and didn't remember why you came there?

22-March-2024 Friday
I want to quit my job as a car mechanic and become a web designer

06-March-2024 Wednesday
Fathers are bastards or a post for a newbie author

27-February-2024 Tuesday
Internet platforms and social networks in Russia (January 2024)

26-January-2024 Friday
How can Uncle Ignat, who hauls fish from the Pacific Ocean two hundred days a year, earn 100,000 rubles a month on a text blog on Telegram?

14-January-2024 Sunday
17 telegram channels for job search for copywriters

25-December-2023 Monday
Who writes about copywriting, blogging, SMM, SEO and marketing? Share the link to your channel, I will publish a post list in Telegram

24-December-2023 Sunday
Statistics: Ekaterina Duntsova has become more popular than Al Pacino on Google

15-December-2023 Friday
Three questions for the author of the articles: texts

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Digest #11: Internet platforms, social networks and telegram channels in Russia (November 2023)

30-November-2023 Thursday
Statistics: how many channels are there in Telegram? (November 2023)

22-November-2023 Wednesday
Statistics: comparison of YouTube and Rutube audiences (October 2023)

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Who has the most subscribers on YouTube in 2023?
