08-February-2023 Wednesday
The dude put Blinovskaya on the shelves and burned her board game for 135,000 rubles
04-March-2017 Saturday
Mortgage. Sell ??or buy an apartment.
20-February-2017 Monday
For subscribers
19-January-2017 Thursday
Don't hit me!
18-January-2017 Wednesday
How to sell an apartment for a little more
28-December-2016 Wednesday
He's filled with hot
07-December-2016 Wednesday
Is it worth it to sign a contract with a real estate agency?
03-November-2016 Thursday
Realtor salary
01-November-2016 Tuesday
Myths and stories of realtors
23-October-2016 Sunday
One compliment please...
29-September-2016 Thursday
How do you know about Dasha?
17-September-2016 Saturday
school theft
05-September-2016 Monday
Instant karma or be careful