IPufik comments, page 3

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03-February-2015 Tuesday
A little about the work of the traffic police (I don’t know why they are so disliked)

29-January-2015 Thursday
How I met one of the two troubles of our country

29-January-2015 Thursday
About philologists

29-January-2015 Thursday

28-January-2015 Wednesday
New Drift Icon by Daigo Saito

23-January-2015 Friday
A completely ordinary place on Velyka Vasylkivska, 74, Kyiv

22-January-2015 Thursday
A moment of humor

20-January-2015 Tuesday
For touchy commentary friends from neighboring countries.

13-January-2015 Tuesday
About the dangers and benefits of electronic vaping.

29-December-2014 Monday
And here is the lightning in winter.

24-December-2014 Wednesday

22-December-2014 Monday
How to make pliers in 1 minute

19-December-2014 Friday
I bought 5,000 rubles in Ukraine

05-December-2014 Friday
Not for the sake of pluses, but simply to honor the memory of the true heroes of Ukraine. The dead employees of Berkut and VV during the riots in Kyiv on 13-14.

28-November-2014 Friday
Comic. drivers will understand

24-November-2014 Monday
Parking idiot level 80.

24-November-2014 Monday
The first monument to a neighbor was erected in Yakutsk! :)

19-November-2014 Wednesday
You won't believe it, but this girl is the driver of this trolleybus

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