IAmNotRed posts

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11-February-2022 Friday
Definitely the best company in the world!

21-January-2022 Friday
Why is the word coffee masculine and not neuter?

19-January-2022 Wednesday
This winter, I broke my own record for injuries.

27-December-2021 Monday
Hooray! Revolution for the pick-up!

27-December-2021 Monday
Who was this persistent man at the Shanghai airport? [Translation]

26-December-2021 Sunday
In theory, Muslims can eat pork.

20-December-2021 Monday
Question to the Moscow representatives of the Institute of Doshirakology

17-December-2021 Friday
How an ordinary lump turned into an abscess

17-December-2021 Friday
Detroit English (pronunciation)

16-December-2021 Thursday
If you want to work - pay!

16-December-2021 Thursday
What happened to TV Shows?

13-December-2021 Monday
After the introduction of QR codes in Kazan buses, conductors and drivers began to resign en masse.

12-December-2021 Sunday
What happens if you combine advertising and a neural network?

11-December-2021 Saturday
Sometimes, it is enough just to change the owner

04-December-2021 Saturday
Continuation of the post "Doc, am I dying?"

03-December-2021 Friday
A teacher in China helped a student knock out rare characters in Genshin Impact

23-November-2021 Tuesday
Now I can't walk past this product

17-November-2021 Wednesday
I want to be able to correct the date of birth in the passport based on various factors

08-November-2021 Monday
Anime Fest 2021 in Japan, or, as you can safely call it, a parade of pensioners :D

07-November-2021 Sunday
The real anthem of the USSR

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