HydroElite posts

02-July-2023 Sunday
Armament for Ukraine

13-June-2023 Tuesday
A sandwich gains 300 pluses in 15 minutes, let's see how much the VVER-1000 reactor baffle will gain

12-June-2023 Monday

28-December-2022 Wednesday
Things are getting better

09-December-2022 Friday
The new Revo has been released, have you tried it yet?

09-December-2022 Friday
In mail.ru, the agent threw off a friend

09-December-2022 Friday
Guys, there's a new phone out

11-February-2019 Monday
Romantic film for February 14th.

27-January-2018 Saturday
How do nicknames come about? Groupmate is a Pokemon.

19-November-2017 Sunday
About fire extinguishers or when stealing is good.

12-November-2017 Sunday
Teacher burns 2 or how do you explain the magnetic properties of the earth?

09-September-2017 Saturday
Somewhere on the Moscow Ring Road.

18-December-2016 Sunday
Receiving / sending parcels from the DPR and LPR around the world.

14-November-2016 Monday
Our Ukrainian brothers are taking us for fools.
