best comments
Ukrainians began to suspect that America and Europe would fight to the last Ukrainian
Advice to those suffering from snot in the nasopharynx
Soon they will beat, maybe even with their feet. (Twelve chairs)
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
I don't like the flag of the Russian opposition. I even do not know why...
The account is already in the thousands
SVO, the beginning. Rejoice over the recognition of the LDNR
Wednesday: Continue drawing. 81st weekly marathon
Post 404 [Answered]
The Pro-Kremlin Information Bubble" 81. Selected places from the special operation
A soldier needs help. Unrated
burned down
Reply to the post "Thank you Candle Lighter"
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
Wednesday: Continue drawing. 81st weekly marathon
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
In Chelyabinsk, African graduates of a military school gave the heat
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
Agronomist to success: captured VSUshnik tells about how they were abandoned by their superiors
Children say
[Register for Participation #22] Glorious Week
Parents are toxic, keepers of virginity
Reply to the post “If the traffic police fail”
New McDuck logo
So let your husband go fishing
Detailed analysis of the high-profile CNN report
What was the smell...
Reply to the post “Won the lottery”
Civilian police