HorribleRaven comments, page 18

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20-September-2024 Friday
Am I an asshole if I want an apology from my friend?

08-September-2024 Sunday
OH MY GOD, what did you tell your wife to not come to the class reunion?

17-August-2024 Saturday
My (31F) husband (35M) said he doesn't want our children to be like me

08-July-2024 Monday
FUCK, what did she tell her aunt that her child was a “spoiled brute” and it was entirely her fault?

24-June-2024 Monday
My (36M) wife (38F) won't let me take a nap. She constantly wakes me up or does everything she can to keep me awake. How can I understand it?

25-May-2024 Saturday
FUCK for wanting to get a divorce because of an open relationship between in-laws?

14-April-2024 Sunday
I (m, 25) have a chance to date my high school sweetheart (f, 25), but I'm engaged (f, 24). What should I do?

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Am I an asshole (27M) for not wanting to participate in the one romantic thing my wife (29F) suggested?

27-March-2024 Wednesday
My friend discovered that her boyfriend follows me on Onlinefans. Blah, why didn’t you delete your account?

24-March-2024 Sunday
Strange people with weapons in Chelyabinsk

20-March-2024 Wednesday
Am I an asshole for telling my mom what my dad did before?

12-March-2024 Tuesday
Teacher fired from college for distributing cactus pornography

25-February-2024 Sunday
Fuck if I don't want to talk

08-February-2024 Thursday
It's four o'clock in the morning, my boyfriend texted me saying he was having a panic attack, and damn, I'm really glad!

05-February-2024 Monday
I made a mistake and lost my girlfriend in the most disgusting way

04-February-2024 Sunday
I sexually harassed my colleague and drove her to a nervous breakdown

30-January-2024 Tuesday
Blah, if you cut your son's hair on the eve of the wedding?

21-January-2024 Sunday
My husband just revealed that he raped me in high school.

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